Less, but more revisited
I'm putting the finishing touches on our plans for next year. My list actually keeps getting smaller and smaller. And it isn't by MY choice. :)
Let me tell you what is going on. I have felt led to continue our history studies chronologically, but with an American History emphasis. Most importantly, though, with a Christ-centered emphasis. I told Popeye a few weeks ago that I was really feeling like we don't have enough of Christ in our studies and I am feeling that I need to add that. He replied that, of course, we should be doing that. Granted, He (Christ) won't be in our math studies the way He would be in history or science, but I just knew that I was missing something. We use a Christian-based science program; we've talked about God and His plan in history. We even have a Bible curriculum that we use, and yet, I feel something is missing. A study of the Bible is great to do, but not if it becomes just another "subject" to get done so you can finish for the day.
Now, I have all these great books, great plans, but again, something is missing from this Latin-centered education that we're pursuing. I do feel that the Latin-centered approach is, educational-wise, what we should be focused on. But, I felt this conviction when I was talking with a friend of mine the other day. Is this activity, this book, this (you fill in the blank) going to have eternal ramifications? I do think that we need to hold everything up to the standard of "will this be edifying and how so". Can I use this book (whether Christian or not) to teach something to my children about God and His plans for man? Will playing this sport with this particular group teach my children something? I guess you could look at it either way...this sport takes too much time away from our family-not good. Yes, but look at the positives for the children...teaching sportsmanship in a Christ-like manner, teaching unity in Christ, teaching Christ-like leadership. (Upward Sports)
Then, last night I was reading my new copy of one of my favorite magazines The Old Schoolhouse. There are two write-ups by Christian ladies about products that they produce for homeschool families. They were saying exactly what I had been feeling. I still wasn't convinced yet. I still had this nagging in my soul. I needed to have more "proof" that what my friend (and these ladies) was saying was WRONG actually! Wasn't I doing what they talked about already??? I still had not yielded to the Spirit and what I believe He was/is trying to tell me. I called another friend to discuss all this angst I was feeling. Have I not grown enough in the Lord to WANT to fill our house with only materials that would edify Him? Am I just trying to raise well-educated kids that, I pray, will be Christians? Is school in one compartment and God in another? Hadn't I already been trying to mesh all this together? What are my goals for my children? What exactly is going on with me? Why can I not exude Christ like these ladies? Is it my personality or am I still such a babe that it doesn't seem to pour out from me like it does them? I still did not have any real answers after talking with my friend, but it felt nice to have someone to talk to about it. ;) (I know you're reading this.)
So here I was this evening on the computer some, playing the piano with Sweet Pea 1 (we're playing a duet in his recital on Saturday!), listening to Sweet Peas 1&2 playing a game with Popeye, reading to the guys before bed, and that nagging feeling wouldn't go AWAY. I started reading a newsletter from the writer of our science curriculum and it HIT me like a TON of bricks!
LESS, but MORE! My new montra for the new year! LESS Bible curriculum but MORE time talking about Him through daily devotions, through science, through history, through Latin, through just sitting and watching the wonderful creations He has made and talking about them! I've always tried to guide the boys to act in ways that would please Jesus, but a lot of time it has just felt forced; and now, I'm seeing it all in a different light. I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I still may not exude Christ through my words like the ladies whose articles I read, but I know the Potter can change me to be that way if that is how HE wants me to be.
I'm going to be spending more time with Him in prayer over our plans and over our school days. It was the Lord that led us to homeschool, so I believe that I need to include Him completely in His plan....you think He'd let me? ;)
Bravo and Amen! The Lord is always pleased when we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit!
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