I won Honorable Mention with T-tapp!!!!!!
I entered a contest on T-tapp. I won Honorable Mention!! I've never won anything like this before!!! I am so psyched!! The prize is a BIG discount to Safety Harbor Spa. This is where T-tapp has its annual "convention". Teresa Tapp teaches the classes, gives LOTS of pointers, new trainers get certified, everyone just has a BALL together. I really wanted to go to this. The cost JUST for the 4 days is $800. It would cost me $250 because of my prize. Popeye said I couldn't go.
I'm disappointed. I never EXPECTED to win! I just entered the contest to win discounts on some products. I'll still get the discounted (free) products, but I didn't know how bad I wanted to go to Safety Harbor until I won! sigh....maybe some other time, I guess. They have contests several times per year so maybe some other time.
It sure is hard to be respectful at times....
Congratulations! What contest was it exactly? I haven't been reading the ttapp forums lately...
I'm sorry that you can't go to SH this time. I'm sure that with the discount it is tempting.
Well even though you wont be going to SH CONGRATULATIONS on your win! That is so cool! You did good with your workout..way to go!
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